Punarvasu Nakshatra 2015 dates and time based on traditional Hindu calendar, Astrology and Panchangam. Punarvasu Birth Star also known as Punarpoosam in South India, is the seventh Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras. Below are Punarvasu Nakshatra dates in 2015.

The astrological prediction of Punarvasu Nakshatra as per Moon Sign is that of Mithuna Raasi and Kataka Rashi. As per Hindu astrology birth starPunarvasu Nakshatra, falls under Mithuna Raasi or Gemini Zodiac and also Kataka Rasi or Cancer Zodiac. The first ¾ part of Punarvasu is in Mithuna Rashi and the last quarter is in Kataka Rashi. Mercury or Budha is the Lord of the birth star of the first three quarters. Chandra or moon is the Lord of the last quarter. The lucky color of Ardra is grey or lead.