After the successful transformation of Pahi Rama Prabho in Bhakthi Tv Alivelu Manga Sarvaiah the trust took up the responsibility of preserving the 108 Annamacharya Sankeerthanas tuned by Sri Nedumuri garu. Guruvugaru at the age of 80+ years made tremendous and whole hearted efforts to sing those Sankeerthana with the blessings of Lord Venkateswara Swamy.
These episodes were created on a different platform where Sri Garimella Balakrishna Prasad(disciple of Nedumuri garu) interviewed guruvu garu about his experiences while tuning these Sankeerthanas with accompaniments towards the end of the episode. Here for some episodes Nedumuri garu’s other disciplans also participated in singing the keerthanas.
Guruvugaru’s dream project become succesful with the involvement of SVBC channel who not only telecasted all the 108 Annamacharya Sankeerthanas but also archived them for handling them over to the future generations.
We proudly present some of the video recordings of Nadayaogi episodes available with us for the connoisseurs of carnatic music efforts are made to accquire the remaining episodes which will be very soon uploaded.