Rama Punarvasu Raganeerajanam October 2016

Rama Punarvasu Raganeerajanam October 2016: Nadaneerajanam at Tirumala was the inspiration behind Sri Rama Punarvasu Raga Neerajanam, which is being conducted by the Alivelu Manga Sarvaiah Charitable Trust an Punarvasu star every month at Bhadrachalam. On every Punarvasu star day, Navaratna Keerthanas are sung by taking giri pradakshina early in the morning. Artists and bhajana groups from all corners of the country are invited, One group every month and their performance is arranged in the main shine. The trust organizes the accompaniment for these performances and honors the artists with a certificate of Participation and Prasadam. The invited artists are...

Rama Punarvasu Raganeerajanam November 2016

Rama Punarvasu Raganeerajanam November 2016: Nadaneerajanam at tirumala was the inspiration behind srirama punarvasm raga nerajanam savaich chainable trust an punarvasu star every month at bhadrachalam On every punarvasm star day navaratna keerthanas one sung by taking giri pradakshina early in the morning. Artists and bhajana from all corners of the country are invited,one group every month and their performances and honours the prasadam. the invited artists are also given accomodation and food free of cost at a guest house at bhadrachalam. Few centres where workshops are organised by the trust through out the various districts of AndhraPradesh and telangana...